Merry Meet and Welcome to Bewitched Blog!

My blog is catered to anyone interested in Pagan beliefs, Witchcraft, Wicca or Metaphysical  topics.

My blog is full of basic info as well as my opinion about Pagan/Wiccan beliefs, practices, divination, herbs,rituals,  moon magick, meditation and spells, it’s history & so much more.

Join me on Facebook and twitter.

Come and check out my online shop.. My Eclectic Apothecary


Now a little about me..

I am an Eclectic Loner with a love for nature and anything beautiful.

Nothing about me and my life is black and white.

I found my Pagan path by accident. I had no clue the way I thought and felt about things fell into a category. I just thought I was a weirdo, that’s what I’ve been told anyway.

I have always loved to sit for hours in the park, look at trees, touch the tree bark.

I’ve always been connected to animals. People are often surprised at how I can talk to my dogs and they respond (either by barking or doing).

I am very much into herbs, incense and candles. I make all of my own oils and candles and I am just starting my herb garden so I’ll let you know how it works out.

I write very powerful, meaningful spells. What makes them so powerful…..because I BELIEVE…..I believe every word I put onto paper….I believe every word I type onto my computer screen and I believe in the positive energy I put into my spells.

I am new to this path of spirituality, but the more I learn about it, the more I know this is where I belong. I should have done this years ago.  I have long been an environmentalist and an animal lover.

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Merry Meet,
