The witches Pyramid really worked to help me understand and get POWER out of my spells and other castings.

To Know, To Will, To Dare, and To Keep Silent. These make up the witches Pyramid.. Follow them with every spell casting and see how miraculous you’re results will be.

To Know
-corresponds to Air
-represents the witch’s reason/intellect/intuition/wisdom and other more mystical understandings…

This means know what you are doing, intellectually and practically. To have knowledge of spell work & magick, what may work best in your situation, what you are able to handle, are comfortable with, how to execute what you want. Know your spell. Research it, think of ALL possible outcomes. Know what element of spell it should be candle (fire), incense (air) and so forth. If you choose a candle spell, then know why you want to do a candle spell. If you choose a certain type of spell do it b/c you like it or b/c it speaks to you in a certain way. This is all about you and your energy don’t do what another is doing, do what is right for you.

Now that you have decided on the type of spell, learn about and know the steps/process. Always gather your tools in advance. Make each spell your own…For example…Let’s say you are feeling nervous and tense and want to do a relaxation spell on yourself. You find a the perfect spell for you BUT the spell calls for Lavender (lavender buds, lavender oil, lavender scented candle) but you relate pink to relaxation and roses make you feel calm..So tweak the spell to suit you. Instead of lavender use roses (rose oil or rose water, rose petals, rose scented candle). If you complete the spell using elements you don’t like. The spell will NOT work, b/c your energy will be focused on your dislike for lavender…

To Will
-corresponds to Fire
-represents the witch’s Will/Discipline/her skills in the arts of magic and life.

To Will – refers to magickal will. This means to be able to generate enough emotional and psychic energy to accomplish your purpose. I can’t stress enough that you must believe. Believe in your work, believe in your words, believe in your craft, believe in yourself and believe in your inner power. It’s not only your conscious mind that has to believe in the spell. Every fiber of your being must BELIEVE.

My spells still make me feel all giddy and nervous inside. I gather my tools and talk to the Goddesses and/or Gods I will be working with or if my spell does not involve a God or Goddess, I still talk to them while I prepare and thank them for previous spell works.

You should also respect the spell by turning off all distractions (t.v, radio put your cell phone on vibrate). I like to play Enya while I’m casting ( Enya-Only Time or Enya-Orinoco flow) or I like complete silence with no music. Remember this is your spell so do what is right for you. Your spell feeds off of your thoughts and energy, and if you don’t feed it well, it will not prosper.

To Dare
-corresponds to Water
-represents the witch’s Emotions/Heart since the word courage derives from a word that means “heart”

Until you act, the spell will be nothing more than a particularly vivid daydream. Yes, thoughts are real and can have an effect upon the world, but for an effective spell, you have to go through the motions. You don’t have to wait until you have your own private temple and the bestest altar and a perfect relationship with your Deities. You can make do with a few basics. Intent is the key here. Intent comes under Will and Dare. Are you making the best of your time, energy and resources? If you can’t afford actual granulated Frankincense, charcoal and a brazier, a stick of frankincense incense will do. If you don’t have your own permanent stone altar, a nice altar cloth spread over a convenient surface will suffice.

To Keep Silent
-corresponds with Earth

To Keep Silent– means to Shut Up About It!!! Don’t talk to anyone about it. Your positive energy is very important to a spell but someone elses negative energy can effect your spell also (even if they were not part of the ritual). Have you ever heard of a hater..Then you should understand why you should keep silent. There are even a rare few people who will go home and actively craft a counter-spell Witches have always been a secretive lot. In the old days of persecution, of course, there was a life-or-death need for secrecy. Today, Witches are more likely to be discreet about their spells and workings. There’s a practical reason for this: spells seem to work better when they’re not blabbed about. Indeed, some traditions believe that, after the spell is cast, it must not be spoken of nor thought about until the desired result has been achieved and verified. Many groups will not even discuss the particular working while in Circle, believing that this has a tendency to “pull back” the power and negate the working.

Not only that I just think it is bad etiquette to talk about such a sacred act.

I hope this helps

Brightest Blessings,
