Posts tagged ‘non christian’

Herbs and their Magickal and Healing Properties A-G

The credit for this list goes to  Skyla Anne, from Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand. Her list stops at Ginseng.

Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet Again!




Cottage or Kitchen Witches have known for generations that plants hold the power of magick. The key to harnessing that power is to understand their magicak properties. That is what we are going to explore for the nex few days. Since the list is so long we are going to take in a few parts.

Today we are going to talk about Herbs A through G. Please keep in mind that this list is far from complete. But these are the most commonly available and most widely used herbs.

Key: G = Gender P = Planet E = Element
G/P/E: Feminine, Moon, Water.
Magical attributes: Beauty, protection, success, peace.Uses: Aloe has always been known for its healing qualities. For treating wounds and maintaining healthy skin. It may be applied right from the plant or in gel form for burns, sunburns, and can relieve poison ivy rash and helps to combat a variety of bacteria that commonly cause infections in skin wounds. It is also an excellent additive for soaps and creams as a conditioner.After using gel from a leaf the opened the leaf will seal itself so you can store it in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator for future uses.

G/P/E: Masculine, Venus, Fire.Magical attributes: Protection, Exorcism.Uses: Grow in the garden as a protection. Carry the root with you as an amulet. Burn the dried leaves in exorcism rituals.

G/P/E: Masculine, Jupiter or Moon, Air.Magical attributes: Protection, purification, awareness, joy.Uses: For treating coughs, bronchitis and a stuffy nose, it loosens bronchial congestion, making it easier to cough it up and expel it. A good breath freshener in the morning, and if kept by the bed it will prevent bad dreams. Also a digestive aid and can relieve an upset stomach and flatulence when taken as a tea, and a treatment for colic. Also suggested that anise may be beneficial to women because certain chemicals in the plant are chemical cousins to the female hormone estrogen. Though it is mild, anise may help to relieve the discomfort of menopause. In traditional folk medicine it has been used to promote milk production in nursing mothers. It’s recommended dosage would be 1 teaspoonful of seeds for every cup of boiling water, steep 10-20 minutes and strain, drink 3 cups a day for maximum effect. A good general cleansing bath is made with a handful of anise seeds and a few bay leaves. A pillow of anise keeps away nightmares. Also a good sedative.

G/P/E: Feminine, Venus, Water.Magical attributes: Love spells, good luck.

G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Water. Magical attributes: A tree with protective qualities, it is used to make brooms for purification and wands for healing. The leaves placed beneath a pillow induce psychic dreams. The leaves bring luck and good fortune when carried in a pocket of bag worn around the neck.

G/P/E: Feminine, Saturn.Magical attributes: The buds are carried to ease a broken heart and can be added to love and protection charms and spells.

G/P/E: Masculine, Mars, FireMagical attributes: Protection, love, wealth (if carried in your wallet), healing relationships, ensuring faithfulness in a mate, courage, fertility, exorcism.Uses: It is good as a tea for calming the nerves, settling the stomach, and easing cramps and good for the bladder. In tincture form, also makes a good hair rinse for brunettes. An ingredient of the Purification bath sachet. Add to love sachets and incenses.

G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, FireMagical attributes: wisdom, protection, psychic powers, banishes negative energy.Uses: DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY-use as a poultice on chest for bronchitis and chest colds.

G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire.Magical attributes: Psychic visions and dreams, repels negativity and evil.

G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Air.Magical attributes: Used widely in purification incenses. Tincture of benzoin preserves oils and preparations.

G/P/E: Masculine, Jupiter, Fire. Magical attributes: Add to incenses of protection and purification. Sleep on a pillow stuffed with betony to prevent nightmares.

G/P/E: Masculine, Mercury, AirMagical attributes: Protection, PassionUses: Add to love sachets and charms to attract a lover in the more physical aspect. Also a mild stimulant for digestion.

G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire. Magical attributes: Worn by witches for protection during the “Burning Times”, adds energy and power when used during a ritual as an incense.

G/P/E: Feminine, Venus, Water.Magical attributes: Cat magic, familiars, joy, friendship, love.Uses: Its flowers and leaves have often been used to treat colds and insomnia. It lowers fevers, dries up post nasal drip, gets rid of bad headaches and relieves sore aching bones due to colds and flus, when taken in tea form, 2-3 times daily. As an incense it may be used to consecrate magical tools.

G/P/E: Masculine, Sun or Venus, Water.Magical attributes: Good as a meditation incense, for centering, peace, sprinkle in your home for protection, healing, money.Uses: Is an excellent herb both internally and externally for calming. Great for digestion, fevers, burns, rs, anti-inflammatory for wounds, and sedative for nervous disorders. And releaves stomachaches and diarrhea in infants and small children (always using in diluted form). In tea form, made of 2 teaspoons of the herb steeped for 5 minutes in a cup of boiling water is a gentle sleep inducer. Chamomile also makes an excellent insect repellent, simply splash some tea on face arms and feet. It is also a good hair rinse for blondes. Plant camomile in your garden to be the guardian of the land, and you will have certain success.

G/P/E: Masculine, Mercury, Air. Magical attributes:Used in love charms to attract a lover. Uses: Culinary herb.

G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire. Magical attributes:Helps the wearer escape unfair imprisonment and entrapment, cures depression.

G/P/E: Masculine, Jupiter, Earth. Magical attributes:Hang around the doors and windows for protection from evil. Use in spells and charms for prosperity, purification and protection.

G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire.Magical attributes: Spiritual quests, augmenting power, love, success, psychic work, healing, cleansing. Used in incenses for healing, clairvoyance, high spiritual vibrations. Reputed to be a male aphrodisiac. Use in prosperity charms.Uses: It is recommended as a skin astringent and digestive aid in tea form. Ground, or taken with milk, good balance after a heavy meal or dessert. Also used for diarrhea, dysentery or general indigestion. It is an excellent aromatic and makes a good anointing oil for any magical working.

G/P/E: Masculine, Mercury, Air. Magical attributes: Associated with the Triple Goddess. Use in rituals for beauty, youth, healing injuries, curing madness. A Four-leaved clover enables one to see fairies, and as a general good-luck charm.

G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire. Magical attributes: Wear in an amulet or charm to dispel negativity and bind those who speak ill of you. Cloves strung on a red thread can be worn as a protective charm. Money matters, visions, cleansing and purification.Uses: It has a mild antiseptic quality for toothaches (chew), or in tea form it is an expectorant for colds, also good foe nausea or vomiting. It is an antibacterial,antiseptic, and analgesic, which means it helps prevent disease and infection.

G/P/E: Feminine, Saturn, Water.Magical attributes: Safe travel spells, money, healing, honoring the Crone aspect of the Goddess.Uses: Has been known to slow bleeding, aid colds, ease burns. As a poultice or a tea, comfrey may be applied to bites, sores, rashes, broken bones, and cuts. Also a good ingredient for lotions to soothe sunburn.

G/P/E: Masculine, Mars, Fire.Magical attributes: Protection of home and serenity, peace , good in ritual drinks, incenses for longevity and love spells.Uses: If added to wine, it makes a good love potion for 2 consenting parties. To use in this fashion, grind 7 grains of coriander and mix into a wine and drink. Also used in love sachets and charms.

G/P/E: Feminine, Venus, Water. Magical uses: Luck in love, a woman who washes her face with milk infused with cowslip will draw her beloved closer to her. Induces contact with departed loved ones during dreams.

G/P/E: Masculine, Saturn, Earth. Magical uses:Connected to death in all of its aspects. The smoke of Cypress can be used to consecrate ritual objects.

G/P/E: Feminine, Venus, WaterMagical uses:Decorate the house with daisies at Midsummer’s Eve to bring happiness to the home and to obtain the blessings of faeries. Daisies are also worn at Midsummer for luck and blessings. In the old times, young maidens would weave and wear daisy chains in their hair to attract their beloved.

G/P/E: Masculine, Jupiter, Air.Magical attributes: Divination, welcoming, messages.Uses: The ground root can act as a coffee substitute, and the flowers make a lovely wine. A superb cleansing tonic, and the milky juice is a diuretic, a tonic and a relief for common stomach problems. Use a handful of flower tops to 1 pint of boiling water, steep 10 minutes and strain. Drink this several times a day. Use the milky latex from the stem , rub on a wart several times daily and soon its gone. Also good for night blindness.

G/P/E: Masculine, Mercury, Fire. Magical attributes:Useful in love charms. May also be hung in childrens rooms to protect them from evil spirits and protect against bad dreams.Uses: A culinary herb.

G/P/E: Masculine, Mars, Fire. Magical uses:Widely used in love, protection and purification spells. Keep a piece under the bed to cure impotency. Carried for good luck. May be dissolved in the bath for strong purification.

G/P/E: Masculine, Mercury, Earth. Magical uses:Useful in raising spirits and to aid in meditation.

G/P/E: Feminine, Venus, Air. Magical uses:Branches are widely used for wands. One must always be cautious to ask permission from the Elder Dryad before cutting or harvesting Elder limbs or leaves and berries to avoid very bad luck. It is also considered very bad luck to burn Elder wood. The leaves hung around the doors and windows will ward off evil.

G/P/E: Feminine, Moon, Air. Magical uses:Used in healing rituals, charms and amulets. Place the leaves around a blue candle and burn for healing energies. Green pods worn around the neck eases the discomfort of colds, sore throats and congestion.

G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Air. Magical uses:Anoint eyelids with the infusion daily to induce clairvoyant visions and psychic dreams.

G/P/E: Masculine, Mercury, Fire.Magical attributes: Purification, protection, healing, money.Uses: Sometimes employed as an appetite suppressant and digestive aid. Used in tea form to expel mucus. Chew the seeds slowly for really bad breath, or use the fluid extract to rub on gums.

G/P/E: Feminine, Saturn, Earth. Magical uses:The Fern is an extremely powerful protective plant. Grow them in and around the house for protection from evil and negativity.

G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire. Magical uses:A very powerful aid to meditation. Use to purify ritual spaces and invoke a spiritual frame of mind.

G/P/E: Feminine, Moon, Water. Magical uses: Used to attract true love.

G/P/E: Masculine, Mars, Fire.Magical uses: A very protective herb, healing, good weather, courage, exorcism. Lowers tension, ease colds, and improve circulation. Garlic vinegar can be used to disinfect wounds and soothe rheumatic pain and any common pain (made from one liter of vinegar and ten cloves of crushed garlic steeped for at least 10 days). Shrinks warts, relieves pain from teeth and earaches. Good for high and low blood pressure and removing parasites and infections. To ease the pain of aching joints, a toothache or an earache, place a crushed raw bulb of garlic on a piece of gauze and place over the area of pain. For joints, try using garlic paste.
Uses: A culinary herb.

G/P/E: Masculine, Mars, Fire.Magical attributes: Power, success, love, money matters.Uses: Acts as an aid to ingestion or colds (tea form). Also in tea form, good for cramps, to stimulate the digestive organs, migraines and nausea, external stiffness. Can be added to the bath as a way to ease pain and increase circulation, but only use a few sprinkles, not to much, like cayenne, ginger quickly brings the blood to the surface of the skin. For pain you can also soak cloths in ginger tea and apply them directly to the painful areas. Add in cooking to detoxify meat, especially chicken. A good healing tea is made from a pinch of peppermint, a pinch of ginger and either a pinch of clove powder or 2 bruised cloves, add 1 cup of hot water and steep.

G/P/E: Masculine, Sun, Fire.Magical attributes: Love, wishes, beauty, desire.Uses: Stimulant, tonic, and agent for prolonged life. Also a mild pain killer, and improves blood circulation. Reported to successfully treat asthma, bronchitis, cancer, flatulence, diabetes, weakness, fever, coughs and heartburn, and a mild stimulant. In tea form it helps to relieve stress and moderate heart disease.

Details of the Elelments

To read this entire article written by Patti Wigington, Please click here, she provides a very informative articles and more about Wiccan and Pagan beliefs.

Earth: Connected to the North, Earth is considered the ultimate feminine element. The Earth is fertile and stable, associated with the Goddess. The planet itself is a ball of life, and as the Wheel of the Year  turns, we can watch all the aspects of life take place in the Earth: birth, life, death, and finally rebirth. The Earth is nurturing and stable, solid and firm, full of endurance and strength. In color correspondences, both green and brown connect to the Earth, for fairly obvious reasons! In Tarot readings, the Earth is related to the suit of Pentacles or Coins.

Air: Air is the element of the East, connected to the soul and the breath of life. If you’re doing a working related to communication, wisdom or the powers of the mind, Air is the element to focus on. Air carries away your troubles, blows away strife, and carries positive thoughts to those who are far away. Air is associated with the colors yellow and white, and connects to the Tarot suit of Swords.

Fire: Fire is a purifying, masculine energy, associated with the South, and connected to strong will and energy. Fire both creates and destroys, and symbolizes the fertility of the God. Fire can heal or harm, and can bring about new life or destroy the old and worn. In Tarot, Fire is connected to the Wand suit. For color correspondences, use red and orange for Fire associations.

Water: Water is a feminine energy and highly connected with the aspects of the Goddess. Used for healing, cleansing, and purification, Water is related to the West, and associated with passion and emotion. In many spiritual paths, including Catholicism, consecrated Water can be found – holy water is just regular water with salt added to it, and usually a blessing or invocation is said above it. In Wiccan covens, such water is used to consecrate the circle and all the tools within it. As you may expect, water is associated with the color blue, and the Tarot suit of Cup cards.


Magickal Properties of Essential Oils, Fragrance Oils, Absolutes and Tinctures


Type: Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mercury
Elements:  Air
Part Used:  Dried Fruits, Essential Oil
Powers:  Conscious Mind, Physical Energy, Love

The fragrance is refreshing to the conscious mind.  Sniff to enhance alertness and to strengthen the memory.

To smooth an ongoing relationship, smell and visualize the two of you working out your problems and communicating.


Type: Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Moon
Elements:  Water
Part Used:  Essential Oil, Fresh Zest
Powers:  Health, Healing, Physical Energy, Purification

Inhale the fresh scent of the oil or zest to maintain health and  to assist traditional medical treatment.   Visualize the energies strengthening your body, fighting off infection or healing a wound.

This scent also activates the body, getting rid of sluggishness.  If inhaled first thing in the morning – it can be an aromatic substitute to coffee.

Place a few drops of the oil in a diffuser and feel the energies of your home vibrate with purity.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements:  Fire
Part Used:  Essential Oil
Powers:  Peace, Happiness, Restful Sleep

This oil soothes frazzled nerves and over stressed bodies.  It is uplifting to our inner self or soul.

Inhale the oil, with or without visualization, to relieve depression and the tension of every day life.

At night, inhale the scent to produce a restful, relaxing sleep.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mars
Elements:  Fire
Part Used:  Fresh Root, Essential Oil
Powers:  Magical Energy, Physical Energy, Sex, Love, Money and Courage

Inhale before magical rituals of any kind while you visualize the scent stimulating your physical body, to excite muscular contraction which will produce bioelectrical energy.

Inhale and visualize to promote courage, confidence, aggression (needed for self-survival), purification and success on all levels.

Because of its vibrate scent – it is best not to inhale before you go to bed, that is unless you plan on being up most of the night!


Type: Essential Oil
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements:  Fire
Part Used:  Essential Oil, Fresh or Dried Leaves
Powers:  Psychic Awareness and Purification

For psychic awareness, put a few drops on a cotton ball.  Sit comfortably in a chair or on the ground.  Relax your body and push the busyness from your mind.

Inhale the scent.  Visualize your conscious mind letting go of your psychic mind.  Allow the odor to engulf your mind and body.

Once you’ve made a connection between the two halves of your mind, discover what you need to know.

(AKA: Camomile)

Type: Essential Oil
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements:  Water
Part Used:  Fresh or Dried Flowers
Powers:  Chastity, Protection, Love Divination, Sleep

At night, take a few deep whiffs to induce sleep.

During the day, smell to promote peace and to remove the effects of stress and tension.

For meditation – if you have trouble slipping into the proper state, smell chamomile to reduce tension and facilitate meditation.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements:  Fire
Powers:  Longevity, Conscious Mind, Memory, Love

Smell the scent while you visualize a long, healthy life.

When you need to clear your conscious mind – inhale the scent.

Place a few drops on a cotton ball and keep it next to you when you are studying and have to memorize the material – sniff often.  When you need to recall, smell the oil again and the information will make itself available.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements:  Water
Powers:  Love and Healing

Inhale during love-attracting spells while you visualize the outcome you desire.  Make sure you focus your intent and remember to bring no harm to none.

This oil also speeds healing when used with visualization and of course, proper medical treatment.  Smell the scent at least once a day while you visualize your body in a healthy, healed and whole state.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements:  Fire
Powers:  Purification, Joy and Sex

Self-purification:  Inhale while you visualize the scent burning away negative thought patterns, harmful habits and other misuses of your energy and mind.

Joy:  Simply sniff the scent to lift up your spirits and temporarily settle emotions.

Sex:  Inhale while you visualize your physical, emotional, spiritual, mental and psychic connection with the person you will be intimate with.  Not an aphrodisiac, but calms the conscious mind and smoothes the path to mutual satisfaction.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements:  Water
Powers:  Love, Peace, Sex, Beauty

Put a few drops in a diffuser to spread loving energy throughout your home.  The scent will calm domestic problems and instill peace and happiness.

Inhaling the scent is helpful to the psychological impotence in men and may increase sperm count.

Inhale the scent and visualize its energies leading you into a mutually satisfying emotional relationship.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Saturn
Elements:  Earth
Powers:  Easing Losses, Healing

Inhale the oil to find strength and comfort through transitions of all kinds – especially through the loss of friends, loved ones or the endings of relationships.

Place a few drops on the bedding of your dog to “banish” the fleas (never add the undiluted oil directly to their skin).


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements:  Air
Powers:  Spirituality, Meditation

Inhale to achieve a heightened sense of awareness of the spiritual realms or to deepen any religious experience.

The aroma also helps to reduce stress and tension by pointing out that our lives revolve on many realms – not just the physical.

The scent also calms the physical form and awaken the higher conscious.  Use before meditation.

**Word of caution – placing undiluted Frankincense directly on your skin can cause irritation**

Black Pepper

Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mars
Elements:  Fire
Powers:  Mental alertness, Physical energy, Protection, Courage

Sniff this powerful scent for when you need to sharpen your mental faculties and energize the body.  It is also beneficial when you need to stay awake – especially when driving.

For protection – place two drops of oil onto a cotton ball.  Strongly visualize a psychic force surrounding you so powerful (like a mini tornado), that it knocks away all incoming negative energy.  Merge and solidify this scent and visualization into your conscious mind for 15 to 30 seconds.   Repeat once a day for a week.  When danger threatens – recall the scent and the visualization.

Lemon Balm

Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Jupiter
Elements:  Air
Powers:  Peace, Money, Purification

Inhale straight from the vial, or place a few drops on a cotton ball to help relieve depression and calm raging emotions.

Most money problems are the direct result of our own poor decisions.  Keep this in mind as you inhale the scent while visualizing yourself allowing money back into your life.  This works by removing  the blockages we either consciously or unconsciously set up in our mind and energy field.

Use this crisp and clean scent during a weekly personal purification ritual.

Lemon Balm

Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Jupiter
Elements:  Air
Powers:  Peace, Money, Purification

Inhale straight from the vial, or place a few drops on a cotton ball to help relieve depression and calm raging emotions.

Most money problems are the direct result of our own poor decisions.  Keep this in mind as you inhale the scent while visualizing yourself allowing money back into your life.  This works by removing  the blockages we either consciously or unconsciously set up in our mind and energy field.

Use this crisp and clean scent during a weekly personal purification ritual.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Moon
Elements:  Water
Powers:  Spirituality, Meditation, Sex, Healing

Inhale the fragrance before a religious ritual and/or meditation to create the proper mood.

With proper visualization, the scent of sandalwood can be used to stimulate sexual activity.  In cases of emotional or mental sexual dysfunction, this aroma can effect a cure.

To speed healing, add a few drops to your bath water and visualize its aroma and energies doing their work.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mercury
Elements:  Air
Powers:  Health, Love, Celibacy, Peace, Conscious Mind

Take a lavender bath once a week to induce health maintenance – add nine drops to your bath water while you visualize good heath.

Lavender is associated with spiritual love as its power seems to lie in that it can reprogram our conscious mind on the way we think about love via our chakras.  Inhaling this scent with proper visualization lets you send out signals to others on your need for love.

Inhale to induce peace and put depression at bay.  It also calms stormy or uncontrolled emotions by centering and controlling our conscious mind with a shot of reality.

Rub on the temples to rid yourself of a headache.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Moon
Elements:  Water
Powers:  Health, Healing, Physical Energy, Purification

Inhale this uplifting scent to activate the body and dispel sluggishness.  Smell first thing when you awaken as an aromatic substitute for a cup of coffee.

Inhale to maintain health as an add on to conventional medical treatment.  Visualize its energies strengthening your body as well as your mind.  For an illness – feel the fragrance fighting off the infection.  For a wound – visualize the scent encouraging cell growth and the resultant healing.

Drop a few drops into a diffuser to fill your home with vibrant and pure energy.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mars
Elements:  Air
Powers:  Healing, Purification, Protection, Physical Energy, Magical Energy, Money

Pine is a wonderful aroma that can speed the healing of your physical body.  Inhale in conjunction with treatment or place a few drops in the sickroom.

For purification, especially during the winter months, inhale and enjoy.  Better yet, grab some pine needles – crush – and enjoy the fresh and vibrant scent.

Inhale the scent as you visualize money being drawn to you.  See – feel – hear what having the money can do for you and release those thoughts into the Universe.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Moon
Elements:  Water
Powers:  Love, Peace, Spirituality, Sex, Sleep, Psychic Dreams

With visualization, use in love rituals, either by inhaling or by anointing candles to enhance a current relationship or to draw one to you.

Simply inhale the soothing scent to lift your spirits, remove depression, still nerves and silence worries.

To induce sexual desire in both yourself and/ or your partner, inhale the aroma with visualization to stimulate the mental, emotional and physical responses needed to have a fulfilling sexual experience.

The uses for Jasmine far outweigh the heavy price tag for pure essential oil.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements:  Fire
Powers:  Protection, Purification, Healing

Inhale and visualize to detoxify the body and for internal purification. The scent can also be used for helping you to eat correctly, exercise and think positive.

Place in a diffuser, to purify your home and to protect it from negativity.

For individual protection – inhale and visualize its energies guarding you from danger and negativity.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements:  Water
Powers:  Love, Sex

Inhale this luxurious scent to increase your sexual appetite.

For love – inhale and visualize yourself in a mutually beneficial relationship.  It’s important to create this image in your conscious mind to allow cardamom to stir your unique energies.  After you inhale – put the thoughts aside to allow your charged power to go out and do its work.

Let cardamom’s spicy scent clear your conscious mind to new heights in unexpected ways.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements:  Fire
Powers:  Spirituality, Self-Control

This wonderful woody scent is excellent to promote spirituality.  Inhale the soothing aroma before any religious rituals to strengthen your connection with the Divine.

You may also inhale the scent to bring yourself into balance.  Smell the fragrance and visualize yourself as centered, calm and in control of your life.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements:  Fire
Powers:  Purification, Joy, Physical Energy, Magical Energy

With proper visualization:  Whiff from the bottle, place a few drops on a cotton ball or in a diffuser for self-purification, for transforming depression into peace – even happiness – and to produce an increase in bioelectrical energy for both physical and magical tasks.

Too much orange oil can cause an overwhelming desire to sleep.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements: Earth
Powers:  Protection, Money
Imbalances: N/A

For personal protection, inhale the aroma while visualizing a protective field sealing you from negative energies.    For your home, place a few drops in a diffuser or potpourri simmerer and visulaize.

This scent is great for the manifestation of increased money in your life.  Simply visualize this needed change as you inhale this rich scent.  Use it to anoint candles, money or charms for the same outcome.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mercury
Elements: Air
Powers:  Health, Purification, Healing
Imbalances: N/A

Inhale the fresh, healthful-like scent to maintain or regain your health.

Add a few drops to a diffuser or potpourri simmer to purify – heal – a room or house of negative psychic energy, particularly when people have been engaged in emotional, physical or mental abuse.

You can also smell the crushed fresh leaves or fresh seed pods to induce health and to speed the healing process.  A vase of leaves is helpful in a sickroom.

(AKA Rose Geranium)

Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements: Water
Powers:  Happiness, Protection
Imbalances: N/A

Place a few drops on a cotton ball and inhale when you are weak and most likely to get ill.  As you inhale the aroma, visualize peace spreading through your body as it dissolves depression and uplifts your world weary soul.

To help gain control over your own life and/or to guard your home against  outside negativity – place a few drops in a diffuser to allow the scent to spread throughout your home.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mon
Elements: Water
Powers:  Purification, Physical Energy, Celibacy
Imbalances: N/A

Inhale its powerful cool scent to speed recovery from colds.  When sniffed with the proper visualization, the scent is good for self-purification and stimulation of the physical body.

If you need to cool the loins, give the oil a sniff or two.  Have teenagers or an over-eager spouse?  Keep a vial handy.

Inhaling this scent too much or too often can cause headaches.  So quick sniffs are needed.

*Make sure that when you purchase it is the PURE and not SYNTHETIC camphor.  Synthetic smells like moth balls and can be hazardous to your health.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements: Fire
Powers:  Conscious Mind, Protection
Imbalances: N/A

Use the aroma in conjunction with proper visualization for personal protection.

Inhale this harsh scent with its citrus undertones to ready your conscious mind for work.  Having a quick sniff clears away mental cobwebs to fully awaken you.

It often produces a sense of well-being in addition to sharpened thought process.


Type: Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mercury
Elements: Air
Powers:  Conscious Mind, Purification
Imbalances: N/A

Breathe in the vibrant scent to awaken your conscious mind and/or to halt negative thoughts.

Inhale as you imagine in your mind’s eye for self-purification or place drops in a diffuser for all-over home purification.

Do not use before bedtime unless you prefer not to sleep!


Type: Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Jupiter
Elements: Fire
Powers:  Physical Energy, Magical Energy, Psychic Awareness, Money
Imbalances: N/A

Inhale this warm and stimulating scent prior to any magical activity that requires a tremendous release of bioelectrical energy. Visulaize the scent mingling and enticing your own preparation for the magical act at hand.

Smell and visualize money coming into your life. Or tap into the scent to tap into your psychic mind.

*NOTE:  Nutmeg can be toxic in large quantities.  Do not inhale for long periods of time, or add to bathwater.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mercury
Elements:  Air
Powers:  Healing, Protection During Sleep
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

Inhale the fresh scent of spearmint and couple it with your imagination of a fit/healthy body in order to speed up the healing process.

Take in the scent as you fall asleep and imagine it wrapping you with protective energy.

It is also helpful and refreshing to the bereaved.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Jupiter
Elements:  Fire
Powers:  Purification, Conscious Mind
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

Hyssop is deemed to be scared to the gods and goddess of ancient Greece.

Inhale the sharp scent for purification.  Or, place a few drops in a bowl of water and leave it in the home to purify the surroundings.

Sniff to heighten your spirituality prior to all religious rituals or ceremonies.

You can inhale to clear your head and strengthen the mental process.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements:  Fire
Powers:  Physical Energy, Psychic Awareness, Prosperity
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

Inhale the warm, sweet and spicy scent with the imaginative view that you have a strengthen physical body.

You may also inhale, with the proper focus and visualization, to tap into your psychic mind.

This same scent can be inhaled to increase your financial base or you can dress a green candle and burn it for the same results.

NOTE:  This oil can be very irritating to the skin, do not apply directly.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Jupiter
Elements:  Earth
Powers:  Weight Loss, Psychic Awareness, Prosperity
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

To help you lose weight – sit back and imagine the way you will look after you lose the weight.  Intensify your imagination while you inhale the sweetness of this oil.

Whenever you feel the urge to cheat on your diet or to ignore your exercise routine, once again inhale the scent with proper imagining.

You may also sniff this fine scent to strengthen your psychic awareness.  Sit quietly and allow the scent to lull your conscious mind into letting go of your psychic mind.

Vanilla Absolute

Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements:  Water
Powers:  Sex, Love, Physical Energy, Magical Energy
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

Inhaling the warm aroma of vanilla will produce a sexual arousal when accompanied by proper imagination/visualization.  In a broader sense, this wonderful aroma can be sniffed to manifest a loving sexual relationship.  It appeals to both men and women.

This scent produces bioelectrical energy which can be channeled into physical exertion or magical rituals.  Sniff prior to making the extra effort.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements:  Fire
Powers:  Conscious Mind, Physical Energy, Magical Energy, Money
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

Smell its powerful aroma in the morning to kickstart your body and energize your soul.  It’s a wonderful pick-me-up for the day’s activities.

With the proper imagining of prosperity and abundance, sniff the scent and let what you desire be drawn to you.

Dap some of the oil on our neck and wrists prior to magic and let its energies give you a power boast in manifestation.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mercury
Elements:  Air
Powers:  Longevity, Courage, Purification
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

To inhale this scent is said to increase one’s lifespan.

In order to get a boast of courage, smell the oil and imagination yourself having that courage already.

For purification, whiff the scent as you imagine your inner self being purified.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mercury
Elements:  Air
Powers:  Physical Energy, Magical Energy, Conscious Mind
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

Inhale this warm, vanilla-like scent to give your physical body an extra boost during times of exertion or when you need a few extra moments of energy.

By sniffing this scent, you will also produce a larger reserve of magical power since increasing your physical energy automatically produce this result.

The scent of benzoin also stimulates the conscious mind.

Vanilla Absolute

Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements:  Water
Powers:  Love, Sex, Physical and Magical Energy
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

When smelled with the proper image held in your mind’s eye, vanilla produces sexual arousal and can be used to manifest a loving sexual relationship.

This warm aroma may also be used to revitalize your body’s bioelectrical energy which can be used in physical or magical matters.  Give the scent a sniff just before you need to make the extra effort.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements: Water
Powers:  Love, Peace
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

Inhale this light, sweet scent while imagining yourself in a loving relationship.  Let the scent mix with your own energies, and allow a transformation to occur in you that will have you be a person who is willing to become involved in a satisfying relationship.

This wonderful energy transforms doubts about the possibility of love into positive, life attracting energies.

If tense, sniff the fragrance and allow the knots in your body and the frazzle in your mental state to unwind.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Jupiter
Elements: Earth
Powers:  Money
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

Add a few drops of this oil to a sexual inducing blend to give it an earthy scent.

Inhale the scent, with the use of your imagination, to increase cash flow and to expand upon personal prosperity.  As you smell the scent, imagine yourself with the extra cash and/or more prosperity. See the image – feel the emotions, live the moment.

The oil, as well as the herb, seems to be soaked with money energy.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements: Earth
Powers:  Psychic Awareness, Psychic Dreams, Astral Projection
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

This wonderful oil stills the conscious mind and awakens the inner stirrings of the deep conscious.

To increase psychic awareness, sniff the scent as you imagine your third-eye opening.  For psychic dreams, inhale prior to going to sleep.

For astral travel deeply inhale the scent prior to your travels as you imagine yourself having complete control over your astral adventure.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mars
Elements: Fire
Powers/Uses:   Memory, Love, Healing
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

Sniff this pungent odor to retain a good memory and/or to relieve yourself from a headache.

For love, inhale the scent while you imagine yourself in a loving, personal relationship.

Smell the aroma to help speed up your body’s healing process.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements: Fire
Powers/Uses:   Purification, Physical Energy, Protection
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

Inhale this full-bodied, sharp scent to energize and revitalize the body.

Place a few drops in an diffuser for all-over home purification.

Dap a few drops on your body  while imagining a wall of safety around you for personal protection


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mercury
Elements: Air
Powers/Uses:   Psychic Awareness, Purification
Positive Qualities:  N/A
Imbalances:  N/A

Inhale this intense lemon scent, combined with your imagination, to stimulate your psychic awareness.

Use for personal purification rituals or spells, but be careful if you intend to apply this oil directly to your skin as it can be irritating if not diluted first.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Sun
Elements: Fire
Powers/Uses: Physical Energy, Magical Energy, Love, Health
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

Inhale the rich scent prior to an exhausting magical act. Allow the flower’s energy to flow inside of you to add to your personal power which will be released during the magical act.

Smell the wonderful scent when you are battling a cold or some other minor illness. While you inhale, imagine yourself in a healthy, healed state.

To invite a spicy and invigorating love into your life, smell with the proper imaging skills.

White Ginger

Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements: Water
Powers/Uses: Purification, Love, Peace
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

Sniff this soothing aroma or place in a diffuser to stimulate love and create peace.

For internal purification, inhale and imagine that all of the yuckiness inside of you flows out through the top of your head and disappears into the ethers of time and space.


Type: Essential Oil/Fresh Flowers
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements: Water
Powers/Uses: Overcoming Grief, Love, Peaceful Sleep
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

If you are battling grief, inhale the aroma as you imagine yourself as a poised and confident person. Do this 3x a day until the grief has dissipated.

Can be used in spells & sachets to draw love to you.

Use the scent to ward off nightmares. Drop off to sleep smelling the aroma and no bizarre dreams should disturb your rest.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mars
Elements: Fire
Powers/Uses: Purification, Success
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

Inhale and use proper imagination techniques to create internal spiritual purification.  As you inhale, imagine everything spiritually impure is being chased out of your body.

Take a big whiff of this warm scent and imagine success — use to be successful in all pursuits.


Type: Essential Oil & Fresh/Dried Flowers
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mars
Elements: Air
Powers/Uses: Sleep, Healing
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

Hops is found in beer, hence why drinking beer puts a lot of people to sleep.

Inhaling the scent can bring on a nice, natural sleep where you will dream and still feel rested upon awaking.

Before bed, inhale the aroma and imagine your health being strong and maintaining.

You can do the health work at any time, but since hops is very calming and relaxing, it is advised to do this work only before bedtime.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mars
Elements: Fire
Powers/Uses: Calming Emotions, Conscious Mind, Health, Hex-Breaker
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

This somewhat foul smelling scent has been used for centuries to calm raging emotions such as: jealously, depression, love-obsession, anger, hatred, bigotry and frustration.

This scent can also ease the pain of broken relationships and ease the sting of unrequited love. Take a whiff of the oil and push the thoughts from your mind.

If you receive too much psychic information or feel that a hex has been placed on you – smell rue and it will shut down the psychic receptors and push away any hex.

Sniff rue once a day to maintain good health.

**Pregnant women SHOULD NOT use this oil or herb**


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mercury
Elements: Air
Powers/Uses: Conscious Mind, Purification
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

Inhale this sharp scent to sharpen your mind. Smell for a few seconds to clear your head and then go forth to tackle the mental work.

For purification purposes, sniff the odor as you imagine yourself being cleansed.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements: Water
Powers/Uses: Psychic Awareness, Courage, Love
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

To hone in on your psychic awareness, sniff this full-bodied scent while you imagine your conscious mind quieting down. This allows psychic communication to take place without hesitation.

Inhale the scent while you imagine yourself filling up with courage. Then go face your daunting situation.

Yarrow magnifies love of self and others so it is great to use in love-attracting spells.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Juniper
Elements: Air
Powers/Uses: Memory, Conscious Mind, Wisdom, Money, Purification
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

Place a few drops in a diffuser for all over home purification. Add a couple of drops to boiling water and pass stones/crystals through the stream for cleansing and purification.

For prosperity manifestation, inhale the scent while you imagine what money can bring you in your life. Do not imagine money – rather what it can pay off and what items it can bring to you – make sure you feel the emotions associated with this.

Place a few drops on a cotton ball and inhale prior to taking a test or some other mind bender. This same wondrous scent can also be inhaled prior to studying for accelerated retention.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mars
Elements: Fire
Powers/Uses: Business Success, Conscious Mind, Happiness, Peace, Money
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

Inhale this spicy scent to clear your mind, refresh your mental connections and reduce mental fatigue.

This wondrous scent is also great to sniff when you want to uplift your mood. Simply inhale and imagine happy times – your mood will follow.

To increase business success – place a few drops in a diffuser or in the money drawer.

To attract more money – inhale while you imagine your pockets bursting with cash, you writing checks with ease to pay your bills and you living a stress free life.

NOTE:  This oil can be very irritating to the skin, do not apply directly. PLUS – can be toxic if ingested.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements: Water
Powers/Uses:  Courage, Conscious Mind, Health
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

To instill courage – inhale thyme as you imagine yourself full of courage and being able to face the situation or person without fear.

Place a few drops in a diffuser to ensure that your household is full of energy to revitalize health.

To stimulate the conscious mind, inhale the sharp scent. But be warned that it has been known to prevent sleep, so make sure that you use it at least 3 hours or more before bedtime.

Note: Thyme can be toxic – pregnant women should avoid this oil.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements: Water
Powers/Uses:  Peace, Sex, Love
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

Wear or inhale it’s soothing scent prior to anything nerve-wracking like job interviews or public speaking.

Ylang – ylang also helps to calm anger and all negative emotional states, transforming such blackness into positive, white light manifestation.

Inhale the scent or apply it to your wrist, ankles & temples to create sexual desire. It’s a wonderful oil to help one overcome sexual problems.

You can also use this scent to attract love!


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements: Water
Powers/Uses:  Peace, Sex, Love
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

Wear or inhale it’s soothing scent prior to anything nerve-wracking like job interviews or public speaking.

Ylang – ylang also helps to calm anger and all negative emotional states, transforming such blackness into positive, white light manifestation.

Inhale the scent or apply it to your wrist, ankles & temples to create sexual desire. It’s a wonderful oil to help one overcome sexual problems.

You can also use this scent to attract love!

Lemon Verbena

Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mercury
Elements: Air
Powers/Uses: Soul  Love, Purification
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

Do you want to attract a soul love on a spiritual level so that you can make contact with them on the physical plane?

Inhale this vibrant scent as you imagine your soul love coming to you – it doesn’t matter if you know who they are or what they look like – just focus in on the soul love. Do this daily until you make contact on the spiritual plane.

Inhale or add this oil to a diffuser to purify your energy, soul and mind.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Moon
Elements: Water
Powers/Uses: Peace, Painful Relationships, Feminine Spirituality
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

To heal from a broken heart – inhale the scent while imagining yourself as a happy, well-adjusted person who can get along just fine in life without your ex partner.

Place a few drops ion a diffuser to invite peace into your space.

To connect to the Goddess within and above – sniff the aroma while seeing the feminine part of you come alive, active and allowing you to take control of your life.


Type: Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mars
Elements: Fire
Powers/Uses: Physical Energy, Conscious Mind, Protection, Health
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

If suffering from gout, rub pennyroyal on the affected areas 3x daily.

Mix with wormwood oil and inhale the combination to prevent seasickness during travel.

Sniff pennyroyal to clear the cobwebs from the conscious mind as well as strengthen it and to still dizziness.

Take a whiff or two of the oil for protective purposes. As you inhale – imagine yourself being protective from what worries you.

Star Anise

Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Jupiter
Elements: Air
Powers/Uses: Psychic Awareness
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

This essential oil is excellent for heightening psychic awareness and/or waking your dormant psychic abilities.

Before you do a reading, cast a spell or dispense healing, inhale this licorice scent while you quiet your mind.

Allow the energy of the star anise to enter your conscious mind, soothing it, to awaken your sleeping psychic abilities.

This oil can bring forth an explosive amount of psychic awareness which can lead to headaches and increased dreaming.

Use it with care.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Venus
Elements: Water
Powers/Uses: Peace, Love
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

To stamp out fear and depression – inhale this sweet, lemony scent as you imagine yourself  with a peaceful attitude.

Place a few drops in a diffuser or in a spray bottle w/spring water and spritz rooms to manifest loving relationships.


Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mercury
Elements: Air
Powers/Uses:  Peace, Celibacy, Sleep
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

The aroma of marjoram causes a relaxed state – just as if you had taken a sedative. It’s useful to help with anxiety, grief, love (obsession) and any heart wrenching emotional reaction.

Marjoram can help lull you into a restful sleep. Inhale straight from the vial or place some drops into a diffuser.

Inhale a small bit of marjoram before you start a ritual. It helps to connect the conscious and psychic minds.
Sweet Pea

Type: Essential Oil
Energy: N/A
Gender: N/A
Planet: Mercury
Elements: Air
Powers/Uses:  Happiness, Courage
Positive Qualities: N/A
Imbalances: N/A

Use caution in finding true sweet pea oil – most are synthetic. If no true oil can be found – use fresh flowers.

Give sweet pea a couple of sniffs to uplift your spirits and/or to take your conscious mind to a higher awareness.

If you need courage or strength, imagination yourself in command of the situation as you inhale the delicate scent.

Smell sweet pea before job interviews, any other stressful situation – or when you need confidence.

“Candle Colors and their meanings-Elemental Candle Colors and Meanings-VERY LONG LIST”

This candle color chart is to be used as a guide or a reference ONLY. This list is one of many. No list is more right or wrong than any other. Whatever color guide you choose to use is your personal preference.

FOR EXAMPLE: Green may NOT represent money to you, perhaps gold or silver represents money in your opinion. If that is the case then those are the  colors you should use in your candle magick. You must always feel comfortable with your magickal workings. DO NOT feel pressured to follow a list or anothers opinion. Follow your heart and what makes you comfortable.

White: truth, purity
Red: love, health, sex, strength
Green: money, luck, fertility
Black: discord, evil, negativity, confusion
Brown: neutrality, uncertainty, hesitation
Pink: love, morality, honor
Purple: power, business progress, ambition
Orange: attraction, stimulation
Greenish Yellow: jealousy, anger, discord
Gray: neutrality, stalemate, negativity
Light Blue: tranquility, patience, health
Dark Blue: depression, changeability

Green:Abundance, growth, money, success, wealth, physical healing, health, marriage, fertility, employment, balance, Stimulates growth, healing, financial success, good luck,  new job, good harvest, nature appreciation, love.

Yellow:Intellect, wisdom and honor, action, inspiration and creativity, studying and intelligence, concentration, memory, logic, learning, attraction, confidence, Mental powers, intellect, inspiration, concentration, retention of memory, energy, cheerfulness, sunny disposition, changes, endurance, stability and security.
Yellow strengthens the imagination and concentration in a ritual. Is used in rituals in which the trust of a person is gained or in which one wants to convince someone.

Red:Energy, vitality, and strength, health, passion, sex, love, protection, fire, fertility, fast action, strength, potency, lust, blood, Physical love and passion, courage, warmth, energy, attraction, magnetism, desire, action, physical strength, power, willpower.
Strengthens magnetism in a ritual, creates Ram and Scorpio energies.

White:The Balance of all colors: Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth-seeking, purity, innocence, clarity and unity, Dawn, purification, peace, truth, protection, spirituality, General work, cleansing, repels negativity; use to bring peace, spiritual strength, truth, purity; heals emotions, and provides protection.
Note: White can be used in place of any other candle color and is suitable for any ritual.

Pink:Devotion, love, tenderness and faith, friendship, romance, honor, spiritual healing, caring, affection, forming partnerships, peace, emotional healing, Universal love, purest form of love, love that is unconditional, spiritual love without sex connotation, raises vibrations, sensitivity, healing.
Designed to attract attention and achieve a purpose in rituals. The color of femininity, Honor, Pleasantness – enhances joyful and lively conversation.

Gold:Enlightenment, protection, success, wealth, money, masculinity, playfulness, luck, divination, victory.
Enhances communication and attracts the power of cosmic influences; Useful in rituals which are designed to gain fortune or money

Lavender:Mother consciousness, manifestation and selflessness, Spirituality, compassion, understanding, inspiration, make contact with Higher-Self, attract spiritual assistance, very calming.

Blue:Communication, truth, peace, calm, loosing weight, wisdom, understanding, protection, harmony, inspiration, truth, patience, health and happiness, luck, communication, loyalty, peaceful, cooling, contentment, healing, idealism, harmony, devotion, meditation,

Orange:Cleanses negative attitudes, situations and places, Happiness, business deals, attracting good things, success, career, goals, stimulation, attraction, power, luck, sudden changes, Warmth, energy building, enthusiasm, attracts success and prosperity,   emotional healing, attracts friends, courage and ambition.

Brown:Earth, a balanced color. Rituals for material gain, eliminates indecisiveness, furthers powers of concentration, learning, telepathy. Expands financial success, finds lost items.  Material prosperity, Home, friendships, balance, animal magic, earth magic, concentration and studying, wealth, success, intuition, psychic powers and ESP. Protecting pets, Said to help find lost items.

Purple:Use with white candle to neutralize effects of karma and ego.  Ancient wisdom, the third eye, psychic powers, meditation, spirituality, success, confidence, hidden knowledge, protection, divination, All forms of expansion, expands what you already have, spiritual protection, power,  wisdom, healing,  recognition, enhances psychic ability, Recognition in work, contact with spirit world.

Rose:Compassion for self and others, higher mystical powers, humor, Love, romance, opening the heart, forgiveness, compassion, healing, joy, creativity, endurance, strength, stability and security.

Peach:restoration and rejuvenation

Violet:Strength, Success, Idealism, psychic revelation; Ideal for rituals which are designed to secure Ambition, Independence and financial success or to establish contact with the other, spiritual world; Enhances Neptune energy.

Ivory:(beige): neutrality, balance and harmlessness

Black:Burning black with any other color dissolves negative energies!  Protection, hex-breaking, reversing, banishing, destroying evil or negativity, binding, and repelling. Also used for healing very powerful illnesses.

Silver: (Light Grey)Victory, Stability, meditation, Developing
Psychic Ability, Removal of Negative Power, Repelling Destruction,
Cancellation, Neutrality, Stalemate.
Silver is primarily associated with female deities.

Colors and Their Meanings

White: A balance of all colors; Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth seeking; Rituals involving lunar energy’ May be substituted for any color candle.

Yellow: Activity, Creativity, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual; use in rituals where you wish to gain another’s confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that require solar energy.

Gold: Fosters understanding and attracts the powers of cosmic influences; beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or money, or in rituals needing solar energy.

Orange: Creativity, ability to speak one’s mind, ambition, career matters and the Law, self-confidence. Solar color and also stands for Leo.

Pink: Promotes romance, friendship; standard color for rituals to draw affections; a color of femininity, honor, service, brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table.

Red: Health, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in rituals; draws Aries and Scorpio energy.

Silver: Removes negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess.

Purple: Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideals for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increases Neptune energy.

Magenta: Combination of red and violet that oscillates on a high frequency; energizes rituals where immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are required.

Brown: Earthly, balanced color; for rituals of materiel increase; eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost.

Indigo: Color of inertia; stops situations or people; use in rituals that require a deep meditational state; or in rituals that demand Saturn energy.

Royal Blue: Promotes laughter and joviality; color or loyalty; use to attract Jupiter energy, or whenever an influence needs to be increased.

Light Blue: Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquillity to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized.

Blue: Primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance.

Emerald Green: Important component in Venusian rituals; attracts love, social delights, and fertility.

Dark Green: Color of ambition, greed, and jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual.

Green: Promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, and rejuvenation.

Grey: Neutral color useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.

Black: Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious; use in rituals to induce a deep meditational state, or to banish evil or negativity as in un-crossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy.


RED-FIRE:Energy, Strength, Passion, Courage, Career Goals, Fast Action, Lust, Blood of the Moon, Vibrancy, Driving Force, Love, Survival,
Love, Passion, Emotion, Courage, Sex, Lust, Strength, Power, Anger, Fire,  Energy

ORANGE:Business Goals, Property Deals, Ambition, Career Goals, General Success, Justice, Legal Matters, Selling, Action, Attraction, Encouragement, Stimulation, Quick manifestation, Fire, Courage

COPPER:Passion, Money Goals, Professional Growth, Fertility in Business, Career Maneuvers

GOLD-GOD:Wealth, God, Promote Winning, Safety and Power of the Male, Happiness, Playful Humor, The “masculine” Aspects of the Divine, the Sun, Prosperity and Abundance

YELLOW:The Sun, Intelligence, Accelerated Learning, Memory, Logical Imagination, Breaking Mental Blocks, Selling Yourself, Attraction, Charm, Confidence, Happiness, Joy, Abundance, Money, Health

PINK:Romantic Love, Planetary Good Will, Healing of Emotions, Peace, Affection, Romance, Partnerships of Emotional Maturity, Caring, Nurturing, Honor, Love, Romance, Compassion, Femininity, Friendship, Sexual Attraction

GREEN-EARTH:Earth Mother, Physical Healing, Monetary Success, Abundance, Fertility, Tree and Plant Magick, Growth, Personal Goals, Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Growth, Luck, Healing, Purifying, Happiness

BLUE-WATER:Good Fortune, Opening Blocked Communication, Wisdom, Protection, Spiritual Inspiration, Calm, Reassurance, Gently Moving, Creativity, Success, Material/Earthly Destiny, Patience, Communication, Clarity, Wisdom

PURPLE:Influencing People in High Places, Third Eye, Psychic Ability, Spiritual Power, Self Assurance, Hidden Knowledge, Spirituality and Spiritual destiny, Power, Peace, Royalty, Concentration

SILVER-GODDESS:Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Psychometry, Intuition, Dreams, Astral Energies, Female Power, Communication, The Goddess or Lady of the Moon, Prosperity and Abundance, Clairvoyance, Astral Traveling.

BROWN:Influence Friendships, Special Favors, To Dispel Sorrow, Grounding, For Growing Plants and Gardens

BLACK:Protection, Repelling Negativity, Binding, Shape shifting, Returning Bad Vibes, The Void, Pure Potential, Protection,Negates All Colors and Energies, Invocation

WHITE-AIR:Spirituality, The Goddess, Peace, Higher Self, Purity, Virginity (as in the woman’s mind is owned by no man), a substitute for any other color, Purity and Oneness, Contains and reflects All colors, Peace, Purifying, Healing